A downloadable game for Windows and Android

Tiny Farm - simple idle game about farm. 

by n11ckz with love <3

p. s. I could not implement saving crops, so be careful when you exit the game, it's better to collect all the crops before exiting! You can write your ideas in the comments, that you want to see in the next update, or write about a bug, and I will fix it! =)


TinyFarm(Last Update).rar 18 MB
TinyFarm(Last Update(fix)).apk 18 MB

Install instructions

Unpack the archive and play!

p.s The game is saved automatically after exiting, but I could not implement saving crops, so be careful when you exit the game, it's better to collect all the crops before exiting!

Please, if you find a bug, write it in the comments!

Development log


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Your app is blocked by Google Play Protect ; "Unknown developper" :o(

(1 edit)

hmm, maybe it's because my game is not on Google Play... but thank you for your feedback!

You can subscribe as developper without publish your app to prevent Google Protect blocking ;)

I found how to install it.

Sidebar (on right side) is wrong sized ; we can't see first line.


exit save doesnt save crops just cash so now i have 2 dollars and empty dirt fields for all eternity


yea, I know about this bug. I will try to fix this in the next huge update! Thank you for your feedback =)


how do we fix this ?


Hi, you need to press the Windows button + R, write "regedit" in the next window and go to the path "\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\n11ckz\TinyFarm", open the file called "Money", select the decimal system and write down the amount of money as much as you want! =)


thank you


Thank you. Now i can grow pineapples for eternity. thank you.

